
Download SmartFix Tool 2.4.10
Download SmartFix Tool 2.4.10

download SmartFix Tool 2.4.10

Once integrated, SmartFix is available in the Start menu and in the Recovery Environment on F8 at boot time for WinXP and later. SmartFix tool - will automatically fix the most common problems and even cure your computer of unknown malware that antivirus can't find.

download SmartFix Tool 2.4.10

However, the 'fight' against threats is not carried out by 'regular' means, but by means of external programs. The logo of the program on the website SmartFix.pro indicates TeamViewerQS for quick assistance to users by phone. SmartFix Tool is a 'downloaded' version of the AntiSMS program, which is able to automatically fix all kinds of system problems, as well as clean your computer from various types of malware.

download SmartFix Tool 2.4.10

  • Have the ability to quickly download the latest versions of AutoRuns, AdwCleaner and CureIt for further verification.
  • In normal use, when the system is booted, the disks are not needed at all – it is enough to integrate.
  • The boot disk AntiSMS compatible, you can download them from and to win over SmartFix.exe for updates.
  • The log is stored in the %WinDir%\SmartFix, however, for convenience, is also available in %WinDir%\AntiSMS.
  • Program SmartFix is a logical continuation of the development AntiSMS. HWiNFO 7.47 10.0 MB Windows All HWiNFO HWiNFO Hardware Info (HWiNFO) is a powerful system information utility designed especially for detection of hardware.
  • Sau khi tích hợp, SmartFix có sẵn trong menu Bắt đầu và trong Môi trường khôi phục trên F8 tại thời điểm khởi động cho WinXP trở lên. Công cụ smartFix - sẽ tự động khắc phục các sự cố phổ biến nhất và thậm chí chữa máy tính của bạn khỏi phần mềm độc hại không xác định mà phần mềm chống vi-rút không thể tìm thấy.

    Download SmartFix Tool 2.4.10